How to Succeed like a Failure
There have been all sorts of success stories mired in failure. J.K. Rowling has spoken many times about feeling broken and still persevering in the face of adversery. Steve Jobs was a college dropout, fired from his executive role at the company he started, and failed miserably at starting up NeXT. Of course there are hundreds, if not thousands, more examples and the key take away seems to always be learn from your mistakes. This "sage advice" is rarely helpful though. Self evaluation and introspection are an inherent part of failing. Instead, I'd like to advise that you take the time to see what you did wrong when you do well, when you achieve, and when you succeed.
This is a little harder and takes more conscious effort. At the core of this, however, all it takes is that you sit down and think about everything you did right that got you to where you are. After thinking hard about that, contemplate all the mistakes you made that you were lucky enough to not have a negative impact on your success story. Then write this down. It doesn't matter if you look at it everyday or never see it again. The simple act of writing down what you did right and wrong (and how you could have avoided what you did wrong) will help you bear in mind those things next time. The other thing it can help with, is realizing how easily you could have failed, and as a result, you'll appreciate your success all the more.